I am passionate about Leadership and have been working for the past 7 years in over 4000 coaching hours to support leaders around the world become inspirational! If you are experiencing a difficult time in your position or just want to refine your edges, then as a Leadership Executive Coach I will provide you with tools and techniques to overcome challenges, unlock your potential, achieve higher motivation, manage stress and increase state of well-being at work or increase odds of getting promoted and advancing your career. Here are just few areas we can address:
- Leadership development: building relationships, managing conflicts, listening, coaching, leadership style and authenticity, emotional intelligence, decision making, time management, communication
- Individual and team performance: psychological safety, trust, motivation, high performing teams
- Career path and strengths finder / transferable capabilities, transition, including CV /interview preparation
- Development of new behaviours or abilities as needed following feedback, including stress management, burnout, anxiety, energy levels
- Harmonization of individual objectives with those of your employer, including Case management, succession planning assessments
- Financial well-being and life satisfaction
Executive coaching and client’s achievement of objectives relies on your desire to progress and leverage inner existing potential. We can work to enable behavioral changes and development regardless of culture, background or work seniority and coaching program will be tailored with focus on individual, whilst considering as needed the organizational structures, objectives. Positive change is inherent at team and organizational level when individual growth is in focus.
I currently work with a renown business school in Switzerland, feel free to visit their program offerings to better understand what might suit you and how we can help you further develop.