Books are an immense source of inspiration and often reveal new possibilities or ways of seeing things. Self-development can start with this bookshelf or  with a coach to accompany you. Here is a warm invitation to ”flick” through below and see what winks at you at this stage in your life.

1. What do I need to have a balanced life?  Book answer: Wellbeing by Tom Rath/ Jim Harter

2. How do I know that my partner is right for me? Book answer: Are you the one for me by Barbara de Angelis

3. How do I improve my relationships? Book answer: How to make Love all the time by Barbara de Angelis

4. What is the definition of love to me? Book answer: 5 languages of love by Gary Chapman

5. What is the one book that tells me the essence of life? Book answer: A new earth by Eckhart Tolle

6. How does energy work? Book answer: Energy healing by Abby Wynne

7. How do I adapt my communication style to different personalities? Book answer: People Styles at work by Bolton & Bolton

8. What is one thing I need to know to significantly improve my life? Book answer: The extraordinary power of your subconscious  by Joseph Murphy

9. What makes the difference between happy and miserable? Book answer: the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

10. How to improve my awareness? Book answer: The presence Process by Michael Brown

11. What are the differences between man and women? Book answer: Why men don’t listen & Women can’t read maps by Allan Pease

12. How to understand my baby’s tantrums? Book answer: Au Coeur des emotions de L’Enfant by Isabelle Filliozat

13.  How can I overcome my fears during pregnancy and what can I expect? Book answer: The joy of pregnancy by Tori Kropp

14. How do I understand different behaviors depending on age? Book answer: The psychology of age by Emilia Albu

15. How is our behavior explained anatomically? Book answer: The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton

16. What am I looking for in my life? Book answer: Les Voyages d’Hector by Francois Lelord

17. What about angels, do they exist? Book answer: The Angel Therapy by Doreen Virtue

18. What people say through their body? Book answer: Practical psychology / The book of gestures by Peter Collett

19. How to become spiritual? Book answer: Mindworks by Gary vsn Warmerdam

20. Dating tips? Book answer: The new rules by Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider

21. Understanding your shadows: Book answer: The dark side of the light chasers by Debbie Ford

22. Understanding how mind works, logical and emotional brains. Book answer: The Chimp paradox by Steve Peters

23. Common conversations that affect your relationship. Book Answer: Hold me tight. Seven Conversations for a lifetime of love by Sue Johnson

24. How your body shape affects your thoughts and leadership capabilities. Book answer: Leadership embodiment by Palmer Crawford

25. Whats it like to live with your inner critic? Book answer: Soul without shame by Byron Brown

26. How emotions and attachment work, from neuroscience to neural path and how we grow to pick our significant others. Book answer: A general Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis

27. Whats this life about? Book answer: A year to love by Stephen Levine

28. How do you know you have been living the ‘wrong” kind of life: The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Lev Tolstoy

29. If you are a practitioner of any type of therapy, what creates change to our clients? Book answer: Focusing in clinical Practice by Ann Cornell

30. What about practical tools to change employee behavior. Book answer: Changing Employee behavior by Nik Kinley and Shlomo Ben-Hur

Books on parenting and child education, please check out this article: Conscious parenting

Therapeutic (trauma) tools: Arizona Trauma Institute

Camelia Krupp

Master Certified Coach & Therapist

Building future globally! I am fascinated by human beings and their psychology and dedicate my life to bettering their capabilities and those of the organizations they are in. The first step starts with you and if I can support and empower you to take one step further in your growth, then my mission as a coach is fulfilled. Building self every day is the single meaning of life!

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  • “Camelia is an EXCELLENT executive COACH! She has a very gentle and encouraging approach that helps create trustful relationship. I loved working with her. Thank you Camelia!” – Anastasia K.

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